Swing Dance with New Orleans’ SUNNY SIDE in the Spanish Ballroom

• Beginner swing lesson 8-9pm
• Band plays 9-11:30pm
• Admission $30/door
• SAVE $10! Purchase in advance online and pay $20; ticket sales ends at 12noon the day of the dance. Advance ticket sales are final; no refunds or credits.

Praline Cafe in the Spanish Ballroom lobby will be open, serving wine, beer, and much more.

SUNNY SIDE is a jazz band based out of New Orleans, Louisiana. They are heavily influenced by the music of Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Nat King Cole, Fats Waller, and many other early jazz legends.  The band name ‘Sunny Side’  was influenced by the 1930 Fats Waller/Jimmy McHugh jazz standard ‘On the Sunny Side of the Street’. The 7-piece band was created in 2019, and is composed of musicians that have played together in various jazz projects around New Orleans since 2017. Sunny Side made their Gottaswing debut in August 2024 and we are DELIGHTED to have them back again. Check them out on:

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Aug 16 2025


8:00 pm - 11:30 pm


Tom Koerner and Debra Sternberg


Spanish Ballroom at Glen Echo Park
7300 MacArthur Boulevard, Glen Echo, Maryland 20812