Swing Dance with RALF BÖCKER & FRIENDS: A Tribute to Sidney Bechet in the Spanish Ballroom

• Beginner swing lesson with Tom and Debra 8-9pm
• Band plays 9-11:30p
• Admission $30at the door

Something really special happened at our dance in the Spanish Ballroom in October 2022. The band was Craig Gildner and the Ivy City Six, and Craig invited a visiting musician onto the stage to sit in for a few songs. What happened next blew our minds as Ralf Böcker joined in on saxophone, and we knew we had to get him back onstage with a band of his own. It’s taken some time, but this prolific musician is ready now with A TRIBUTE TO SIDNEY BECHET. Check out this clip and you’ll see why we just can’t wait!

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Dec 02 2023


8:00 pm - 11:30 pm


Tom Koerner and Debra Sternberg


Spanish Ballroom at Glen Echo Park
7300 MacArthur Boulevard, Glen Echo, Maryland 20812